
Research Papers Presentation

Research Paper Presentation Updates

List of Accepted Papers and Presentation Schedule:

Presentation at the Venue Guidelines:

Before arriving at the conference venue, please ensure the following:TIME SLOT & SCHEDULE

    Make sure that you have registered for the conference. If anyone has not registered, please do it as early as possible. Unregistered individuals will not be permitted to present.
Presentation Submission:
    Refer to the templates for presentation and ensure that you send these on or before 20th December. The file size is restricted to 25MB. Rename your documents in the given format before sending: Oral/Eposter_AbstractNo_Name.
Abstract Publication:
    Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. If anyone would like to make minor changes or updates in the abstract, they may resend the abstract along with the PPT.
Email IDs for submission:
    Please refer to the allotted Date and Hall and choose the email ID to which PPTs and Abstract to upload:
    o 20onlineimatharang23@gmail.com
    o 27hall1imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 27hall2imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 27hall3imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 27hall4imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 28hall1imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 28hall2imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 28hall3imatharang23@gmail.com
    o 28hall4imatharang23@gmail.com
    At the conference venue, please ensure the following:
Timely Arrival:
    All presenting researchers should be present in the corresponding venue at the start of the session.
Templates for Presentation: Template Tharang IMA Oral presentation
    1. Oral Presentation
    2. E-poster
Online Presentation Guidelines:
    The date of the online presentation is 20th December 2023. Please follow the guidelines given for the presentation at the conference venue for preparation. The presentation should reach us on or before 18th December.

    Zoom Link: IMA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: All India Medical Conference Research Paper Presentation Online Time: Dec 20, 2023 09:00 AM India Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting Link
    ZOOM LINK Meeting ID: 826 5584 7486, Passcode: tharang23 Please note: The decision of the Research Committee is final.
    Zoom Link: IMA NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
    Topic: All India Medical Conference Research Paper Presentation Online Time: Dec 20, 2023 01:30 PM India Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting Link
    ZOOM LINK Meeting ID: 898 0232 5697, Passcode: tharang23 Please note: The decision of the Research Committee is final.

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